Python - File Operations


Learn the essentials of file operations in Python. Explore how to read from and write to files, handle different file modes, and effectively manage data storage and retrieval in your Python programs.


Programming fundamentals include file operations, and Python offers a wide range of tools for handling files. The key ideas and methods for file operations in Python are covered in this documentation.

1. Opening a File

To perform any operation on a file, you need to open it first. Python provides the open() function for this purpose.

# Example : Opening a file in read mode

file_path = 'example.txt'
file = open(file_path , 'r' )

The second argument in open() specifies the mode ('r' for read, 'w' for write, 'a' for append, and more).

2. Reading from a File

Reading from a file is a common operation. Python offers methods like read(), readline(), and readlines() for this.

# Example : Reading from a file

content =

3. Writing to a File

To write to a file, open it in write mode ('w') or append mode ('a') and use the write() method.

# Example : Writing to a file
with open( 'output.txt' , 'w' ) as output_file :
output_file.write("Micro Tutorial")

4. Closing a File

Always close a file after performing operations using the close() method.

# Example : Closing a file

5. File Modes

Understanding different file modes is crucial. Common modes include:

- 'r': Read (default mode)
- 'w': Write (creates a new file or truncates an existing one)
- 'a': Append (opens the file for writing, appending to the end if it exists)
- 'b': Binary mode


To handle data, configuration files, and other things, you must become proficient with Python file operations. The foundation for effectively handling files and directories is provided by this documentation.
