Python - Data Types


Python's data types—numbers, strings, lists, tuples, sets, and dictionaries—enable versatile handling of diverse information.

Built-in Data Types in Python

Programming requires an understanding of data types since variables can hold various kinds of data, each of which has a specific function. The following built-in data types are available in different categories in Python:

Data Type Description
str Text Type
int, float, complex Numeric Types
list, tuple
Sequence Types
dict Mapping Type
Set Types
bool Boolean Type
NoneType None Type

You can determine the data type of an object using the type() function.

For Example :

name = "micro" print(type(name))

Output :

<class 'str'>

Setting the Data Type :

In Python, the data type is automatically set when a value is assigned to a variable. If you want to specify the data type, you can use constructor functions.

Example Data Type Manually Set Data Type
x = "Micro Tutorial" str x = str("Micro Tutorial")
x = 15
int x = int(15)
x = 10.5 float x = float(10.5)
x = 7j complex x = complex(7j)
x = ["ant", "bear", "cat"] list x = list(("ant", "bear", "cat"))
x = ("red", "blue", "green") tuple x = tuple(("red", "blue", "green"))
x = {"name" : "Tom", "age" : 30} dict x = dict(name="Tom", age=30)
x = {"east", "west", "south"} set x = set(("east", "west", "south"))
x = True bool x = bool(7)
x = None NoneType x = None

Understanding and leveraging these data types is fundamental for effective Python programming.
