Approach 1: Using create-react-app



Running a React application necessitates the initial establishment of a ReactJS development environment. This guide offers a detailed, step-by-step walkthrough for setting up and configuring a functional React development environment.


ReactJS Installation:

a. Method 1: Utilizing create-react-app (CRA command)

b. Method 2: Employing webpack and babel.

Prerequisite: Ensure NodeJS is installed on your PC. Begin by installing NodeJS, followed by the setup of the React Boilerplate.

Installation of Node.js:

Node.js installation on Windows

Node.js installation on Linux React JS


Explore the two primary methods for setting up the React JS Environment

Opting for create-react-app for a quicker setup.

Implementing webpack and babel

Now, let's put the aforementioned methods into action.

Method 1:

Using create-react-app (CRA command)

Step 1: Open a terminal and navigate to your desired project folder.

Step 2: In the terminal, within the project directory, input the following command.

npx create-react-app YOUR_APP_NAME

Step 3:  Navigate to the newly created folder using the   command.


When run, a standard application is generated with the specified project structure and dependencies.

By default, it will install certain packages, shown in the 'dependencies' section of the package.json file, as shown below: 

"dependencies": { "@testing-library/jest-dom": "^5.17.0", "@testing-library/react": "^13.4.0", "@testing-library/user-event": "^13.5.0", "react": "^18.2.0", "react-dom": "^18.2.0", "react-scripts": "5.0.1", "web-vitals": "^2.1.4" }

Step 4: Execute the application by entering the following command in the terminal.

npm start

Your are done!

You can see a message that your project is running at localhost:3000

open your browser and type ``localhost:3000`` 

You can see your project with react Logo is running on browser with a by default logo of react and a message.

YAHOO......! You have successfully run your first ReactJs project.
